Информация о книге


Tess’s unbelievable vacations,
or An almost detective story with a faint note of a gastronomic trip. Fairy tale story


Невероятные каникулы Тесс,
или Почти детективная история c лёгким оттенком гастрономического путешествия


Ахтямова Мария



Количество страниц


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Год издания





If you are not afraid of pulling off from home shore, go in search of thrilling, amazing adventures and solve a mysterious crime together with Tess — one of the most attractive, dreamy birds in the world, stay with us and enjoy this story. You will be able to look into the inner world of the main characters, share their dreams, and learn about real friendship and devotion. A disappearance of a friend sets off a chain of extraordinary events. Our main characters rush out to search for their close friend, and you will have the chance to immerse in a magnificent, picturesque world of wildlife. You will enjoy warmth and sunshine, visit boundless vineyards, vast olive groves; breathe in clear, fresh air of the countryside and feel the rich fragrance of lavender alternated with wildflowers; roam the narrow, quiet streets of cozy, small towns. A gastronomic trip full of distinctive local colour and unusual, delicious easy-to-cook recipes will lure you into the world of the culinary art of cooking exquisite desserts.
Fair wind be with you. Enjoy the unforgettable experience of this adventure.

12+ Книга адресована читателям, изучающим английский язык. Обширный лексический материал позволяет обогатить речь, развить кругозор, художественно-речевые навыки читателя. И еще можно научиться готовить вкусные и необычные десерты.